Curious what might be in store for you too?

  • MEGHAN ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Meg, a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN), graduated from our Nutrition + Detox Coaching Certification program and enhanced her nutrition expertise. Now, she empowers individuals to tackle anxiety and address health challenges through nutrition. Offering in-house meal prep, consultations, workshops, cooking classes, online courses, and coaching, Meg helps people live their best lives.

  • VIOLA ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Raised on wholesome foods, Viola strayed into a world of unhealthy snacks upon moving to America, leading to health issues like infertility and miscarriage. Rediscovering the nutritional wisdom of her upbringing, she now champions food as the key to good health. Certified as a Metabolic Nutrition and Detoxification Coach, Viola helps couples overcome infertility, subfertility, and recurrent miscarriages, blessed with two sons of her own.

  • SHELBY ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Shelby endured anxiety and depression, experiencing a year-long panic attack. Exploring nutrition, mindfulness, and holistic wellness, he found our Nutrition + Detox Coaching Certification program. Now, Shelby hosts the Mental Millennials podcast and co-founded Azhen Sanctuary—an Indigenous-owned retreat center promoting mental health, permaculture, and Indigenous education.

  • JOSEPH ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Joseph Gucciardi is a holistic health advocate, author, and founder of Sora Wellness. Joseph's battle with Crohn's disease led him to embrace holistic healing, including yoga, meditation, and plant medicine. Inspired by his journey, he now guides others facing similar challenges. He enhanced his expertise through the Nutrition+Detox Coaching Certification Program, launched his own health coaching business and published his book. Through his platforms, Joseph educates on holistic health practices, emphasizing diet, detoxification, and mindfulness.

  • UTE ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Ute, with over 20 years of experience in healthcare, found herself facing a tumor diagnosis in May 2019. Embracing alternative cancer therapy rooted in nutrition and detoxification, she embarked on a promising path to healing. Through her own journey, she discovered profound insights and success, with a significant portion of the tumor dissipating within seven months. Now, having triumphed over adversity, Ute has become a beacon of hope, sharing her expertise as a Metabolic Nutrition+Detox Instructor and author, guiding others towards optimal health.

  • ZOEY ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis in 2017, Zoey endured frequent hospitalizations and intensive antibiotic treatments. However, her life took a transformative turn when she discovered Metabolic Nutrition & Detoxification Therapy . Through this therapy, her body shed mucus, her immune system strengthened, reclaimed her life and reducing her hospital visits drastically. Now, as a yoga Instructor, somatic practitioner, and integrative wellbeing mentor, Zoey channels her experience into helping others achieve holistic wellness, rooted in nutrition, somatic healing and nervous system regulation.

  • SASKATOON ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Saskatoon, grappling with intergenerational trauma and a myriad of health issues including digestive problems and nutrient deficiencies, once felt overwhelmed by migraines, brain fog, and persistent rashes. However, through the Nutrition + Detox Certification program, she discovered a path to hope and healing and embraced a plant-strong whole-foods lifestyle. Now, empowered by her journey, Saskatoon has not only overcome her health challenges but also authored and published her first book, marking a significant milestone in her journey of transformation and resilience.

  • CHRIS ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Chris, once burdened by the weight of psoriasis, PTSD, TBI, and suicidal thoughts, found a path to complete healing through our Eat Real to Heal and Nutrition + Detox Certification program. Harnessing the power of plant-based nutrition, breath work, and movement, he now enjoys optimal physical and mental health. Inspired by his own transformation, Chris not only healed his brother's psoriasis and depression but also built a thriving restaurant, Crabapple Café, in Squamish, British Columbia, Canada, embodying the essence of his journey towards holistic wellness.

  • DEBBIE ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Debbie's journey to wellness started with "Eat Real to Heal" and Nicolette's resources, guiding her to a Whole Foods plant-based diet. She then enrolled in our Nutrition+Detox Coaching Certification Program to educate others on holistic nutrition. As the founder of Pure Foodie Gal, Debbie empowers others to embrace healing through food, while co-founding Rise and Shine Cleaning Service reflects her commitment to nurturing environments. Through sharing recipes and offering guidance, she inspires a holistic approach to health and wellness.

  • KEVIN ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    After graduating from our program, Kevin transitioned from a front-line server to a successful entrepreneur, founding Heartisan Foods Inc. and introducing his best-selling product, Mocolate, in British Columbia. Despite lacking business knowledge initially, Nicolette recognized Kevin's potential and mentored him, empowering him to embrace entrepreneurship. With guidance from Nicolette and newfound skills in business and marketing, Kevin's venture has thrived, allowing him to educate thousands on the healing power of food.

  • RYAN ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Dr. Ryan Lewis ND, Founder of Seek Optimal, believes in achieving health through alignment of mind, body, and spirit, recognizing the innate power within each individual to heal. His journey led him to seek further knowledge in metabolic nutrition and detoxification, which he gained through our program under Nicolette's guidance. Equipped with practical tools and a commitment to naturopathic principles, Dr. Lewis is dedicated to helping patients achieve optimal health and vitality through custom-made programs tailored to their unique needs.

  • RYA ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Inspired by the healing power of movement and nutrition, Rya has studied and worked in the field of health education for over 25 years. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Kinetics, program Exercise Science, from U.B.C., a Bachelors of Education from S.F.U. and studies in nutrition. Rya completed her advanced yoga teacher training in Rishikesh India, studying Akhanda yoga, including meditation. Rya currently teaches Pilates and yoga both online and in person. To expand her health modalities, she is studying with Dr. Nicolette Richer to become a certified Metabolic Nutrition and Detox Educator. 




“I have been a yoga instructor, mom, creative, and yoga studio owner for years, and I thought I knew a lot about the human body but despite my years of knowledge, I couldn't reverse my chronic health issues until I discovered this program. Now, armed with powerful tools and knowledge, I'm committed to sharing this life-changing knowledge with my students and everyone.



“Struggled with chronic health issues for years, even as a yoga instructor, restaurateur, lawyer, and mom. But Nicolette's program changed everything. With scientific knowledge not found in other nutrition programs, I healed myself with food as medicine. Now, I recommend this program to every yoga teacher to expand their business and offer life-saving services to clients battling chronic diseases. A must-have for those passionate about achieving optimal health and well-being.”



I've thoroughly enjoyed the program and absolutely would recommend to anyone who's looking for a nutrition and detox program. Anyone who wants to see people thrive and heal from their chronic degenerative health problems whether it be autoimmune diseases or cancer. This is such an in-depth program and intense approach to healing that it's a must! This has stretched me in countless ways and given me the momentum to do hard things. I have grown so much as a person, educator, researcher, and will continue to be a life-long learner.  



“I have been blown away by the amount of support I have received throughout the nutrition + detox certification course. It has felt like our own little family. The motivation and knowledge I gained from Nicolette has blown my mind, class after class. I’m so thankful to have found this certification course. I’m still amazed at how much I’ve learned in just a short 6 months. What a beautiful, talented bunch. I’m thrilled to be part of the Richer Health team.”



“It exceeded my expectations, equipping me with invaluable skills to make a real impact in my clients' lives. The program's holistic approach taught me to address individual health conditions with personalized therapy, and through the healthwork and assignments, I found my niche and gained confidence to specialize in it. This program has transformed my understanding of nutrition and I'm excited to use what I've learned to help others improve their health.”



“I’m a yoga instructor, nutritionist, and health advocate. Nicolette's ability to teach the science of reversing chronic disease in an easy-to-understand way is unparalleled. The “health work” in the program were top notch, and the support from Nicolette and her team was always available. I was able to help my students heal from their autoimmune disorders, gut health issues, and mental health conditions. It's life-changing, and the impact you can make on your students' lives is immeasurable.”



    "I was having trouble with my mobility and my mental health was in disarray. I am like a new person and I owe so much to the Alinker Bike and the Nutrition & Detox program. My husband couldn’t keep up with me. I have been taking it to concerts and the grocery store (keep in mind that I have been housebound for a couple of years) I took it to the coast again for my daughter’s birthday and buzzed around all of the shops and the cheesy wax museum. Before, I’d be down and out for days after most of these activities. Not so anymore. Changing my diet changed my mental state and helped me start recovering. My husband is dumbfounded by my continuing improvement. I took a medication a few years ago for my MS that destroyed me, and with these programs, I have completely transformed my life.


    "Now 8 weeks in. Just had my first medical update yesterday. After 8 weeks, pre-diabetes was gone, blood pressure from 150-160 most days down to 116 average, cholesterol back to normal, fatty liver disease reduced, and from 285 to 246 weight. My knees are better, foggy brain is gone. I will now restart this journey from day one, with my best friend who has just come out of stage 4 cancer surgery. I have made it my mission to bring this program to him and help him accelerate the healing process with food. Life happens for a reason and this program has landed in my lap at possibly the greatest time for him. Here to restarting the program to save another. If you fall off the path, get back on again and keep going. There is no failure, just road bumps to get around. Food can heal the body."


    "I have healed so many incurable disorders that I have had (some my whole life) that it’s unbelievable. From 3 blood/bleeding disorders, no more dislocations, low thyroid gone, severe gastroparesis gone, fibrocystic breast disease gone, fibroids gone, gum disease gone, Raynauds gone, anxiety and depression gone, herpes gone, food sensitives gone… there are about 40 things that have either gone or improved, it’s amazing! Anyway, I just wanted to share this with you Nicolette, as you were one of the reasons that I embarked on this natural healing journey."


    "It's been 10 years since doing Nicolette's program and I'm still healed from endometriosis and chronic pain. And every year I continue to feel better and better. The program is more than just about food. It's helped me grow so much as a person and as a mom and I'll never stop living this way as my hormones are better regulated now than when I was younger."


    “My blood sugar was 4.8 this morning!!! I had that number in my head for so long, as my goal and today I saw it. My fasting blood sugar no matter else I did was 7! I am so excited! Listen to podcasts while making food everyday! Love the podcast with Kathryn Alexander, wow, love that one and Esselstyne and Campbell, Dean, I could go on but just love those ones please have them back! My gratitude for the work, knowledge and love you share is limitless!”


    "Thank you Nicolette for coming into my life. I am so grateful, especially at this time in my life of desperately wanting a family. I miscarried multiple times before I met you and was told I could never have children. Because of your program, support, knowledge, and inspiring me to advocate for my health, I now have a four year son! A dream come true. Thank you!”


    "When I convinced myself to give life one last shot, I was on TONS of medication and in constant pain. That's when everything changed. Nicolette, I hope you realize the work you do is responsible for me still being here on this beautiful bountiful earth. I'm truly living, grateful beyond measure for this incredible gift of knowledge and resources. This has changed everything for me AND my children."


    "Thanks for sharing your deep expertise with me and guiding me on the path to staying cancer-free. It's a murky world out there when it comes to health, healing, and nutrition. I now understand the what, when, and why much better and am on the road to healthier living. Thank you."


    "My eating has completely changed. I came home and got rid of everything in my fridge and cupboards. I've now got back down to my pre-chemo weight and feel amazing. Most telling of how eating cleanly has helped me is that my blood tests numbers have improved! The days I've spent learning from Nicolette was a life changing experience."


    "I experienced a remarkable transformation with Nicolette's program. Within weeks, I felt more energized than I had in years, witnessed a reduction in Graves’ disease symptoms, and saw my thyroid issues improve significantly. The course has provided me with numerous benefits, including better sleep, stronger muscles, clearer skin, and a newfound freedom in my relationship with food. I'm grateful for lifetime access to the materials and excited to share my enthusiasm with my 79-year-old dad, who's also experiencing amazing results, with his arthritis reversing, increased vitality, and newfound passion for daily walks and playing the piano again! This is truly life-changing!

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Success Stories: The results you achieve might not be the same as what others have shared. It depends on how much effort you put in, your business skills, personal qualities, and more. Since everyone's situation is different, we can't promise specific outcomes or income levels, and we're not responsible for your success or failure. Success takes time, hard work, and dedication. We believe our tools can help you succeed, just like these stories suggest.